BJP leader Kunwar Pranav Singh Champion was arrested on Sunday after he allegedly opened gun shots at the office of rival politician and independent MLA Umesh Kumar at Roorkee in Haridwar district in Uttarakhand.
Confirming the arrest, SSP Haridwar Pramendra Singh Dobal said the journalist-turned politician Kumar has also been taken into custody. “We took action after Champion fired gun shots in the office of Kumar,” Dobal said. FIRs under different sections have been registered against the two leaders also.
The arrest came after the tension grew between the two leaders as they launched war of words against each other through social media.
Kumar had defeated Champion’s wife Devyani (BJP) from Khanpur assembly seat in the 2022 vidhan sabha election. Since then, the two leaders are having tensed relations due to the political rivalry.
Meanwhile, Champion, a former MLA, described his arrest as unfortunate and said he was being made scapegoat in the entire episode. “The police has not taken any stern action against Kumar,” Champion told reporters.