Doon University observes World Press Freedom Day


Doon University on Friday observed the World Press Freedom Day with the teachers and students emphasising on the urgent need to uphold the highest standards of journalism and freedom of the press.

Organised by the School of Media and Communication Studies (SoMCS), media studies experts discussed about the theme of the year – global environmental crisis, and its manifestations in the form of climate change, global warming, air pollution and other forms of degradation.

Expressing deep concern over the contemporary practices of journalism, SoMCS Dean Prof Rajesh Kumar pointed out that the these days the media is not following right-approach on the current issues and discussions and its practices are getting increasingly confined to studio and newsroom discussions. “The field journalism is the net casualty which is a worrisome phenomenon,” he  said.

Prof Kumar emphasised that freedom of expression cannot be realised in its full potential without linking it to a rights-based approach, encapsulating the concepts of communication and information within a framework of rights where we realise the right to communicate, right to receive and impart knowledge, information and diverse ideas.

Prof Harsh Dobhal discussed the various factors which are contributing in curbing the freedom of press and pointed out that there is a direct relationship between a full blown democracy and freedom of expression. “Free press is a an active participant in a vibrant democratic process,” he said.  He emphasized that in contemporary times a large section of media is willingly representing the interest of the rich and powerful rather than providing a forum for voicing, analysing and focussing on public concerns.

Despite this, a number of journalists across the country, and indeed across borders, are performing their professional duties facing dangerous attacks by the interest groups in order to silence them, resulting in restrictions on their freedom. Many of them face a variety of legal charges for years in courts. “These actions result in dramatic curtailment on liberty and freedom of journalists and critically interfere with their ability to inform the public,” Prof Dobhal said.

Dr Vandana Nautiyal and Ms Aabshar Abbasi explained that notion of the freedom of press and how it is a cornerstone of a thriving democracy where journalists can report without any fear or pressure. They called upon the students to uphold high standards of journalism in their career and uphold the principles of a free press.

The World Press Freedom Day is celebrated every year on May 3 after the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed this day as Press Freedom Day in December 1993 following the recommendation of UNESCO’s General Conference. The theme of this year is “A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the Face of the Environmental Crisis” where the day is being dedicated to the importance of journalism and freedom of expression in the context of the current global environmental crisis.


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