The army saved 17 more labourers from danger on Saturday as the search operation to rescue the remaining 5 persons was continuing unabated in the avalanche-hit Mana area in Garhwal region of Uttarakhand.
“The rescue operation which is continuing since yesterday in Mana has saved the lives of 50 people. The rescue operation for saving rest of five persons is continuing,” Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said after visiting Jyotirmath to closely monitor the rescue operation. He also conducted an aerial survey of the avalanche-hit Mana area.
On Friday, 33 labourers were rescued after the avalanche struck Mana village near Badrinath shrine in Chamoli district in the morning amid the season’s heaviest snowfall.
A total of 55 labourers were inside a BRO camp for the road work in the high altitude Mana area when the avalanche hit with a frightening speed from a nearby lofty mountain. Most of these labourers were inside five containers when the avalanche hit the area. While three containers have been traced, the search was continuing to locate two more containers.
As soon as the avalanche swept the area, the army’s IBEX Brigade swiftly launched rescue operation despite heavy snowfall and continuing minor avalanches. The Army managed to rescue 10 labourers in the morning itself. Later, 23 more labourers were also found safe, the Army said.
The state government said the Army, ITBP, NDRF and SDRF are engaged in the rescue operation.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also held talks with Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on the Mana avalanche and assured all assistance from the central government.
On the other hand, Dhami flew to Jyotirmath area in Chamoli district in the morning as he conducted an aerial survey of the avalanche site from a helicopter. Later, Dhami also met some injured workers in an army hospital and held talks with the top officials of the rescue teams.
The Mana avalanche episode came more than a year after 41 workers in Silkayara tunnel in Uttarkashi district were safely brought out on November 29, 2023 after remaining trapped for 17 days.